Friday, April 27, 2012

Last Week of Class

The end of the semester is here and we are now in our final week of class. This semester has gone by really fast. It is hard to believe it is already over. This was my first class towards my Master's degree and I enjoyed the introduction to educational technology. I learned a lot about different technologies that I can use in my classroom. I also was introduced to some new software. I even used some of the software in my classroom that I assist in. 

I also found out a lot of great information about teaching online, which will definitely come in handy as I try to get a job with a virtual school. I hope to get my foot in the door and start my virtual teaching career. I am looking forward to other classes that I am going to sign up for to continue my Master's program. I am excited to learn even more about educational technology. 

It was great to work with everybody in this class! Thanks for reading my blog and adding your comments. Good luck to everybody!


1 comment:

  1. I loved this class! I learned so many new things about technology I never knew about. I always loved technology education and feel like we don't get enough courses in our college undergrad.
