Friday, January 20, 2012

Convenience of Teachers

“Are we doing what is best for our students or are we doing what is most convenient for us?”

To answer this question, I think you need to look at individual teachers. There are definitely teachers who teach for convenience and are just trying to take the easy road and teach what is required of them. However, there are also teachers who not only teach the curriculum provided to them, but also go above and beyond, trying to give their students an enriching learning experience.

Let’s look at the first option. Education is based highly on standardized testing these days. It is not uncommon to hear teachers 3rd grade and above talking about preparing their students for the FCAT and how everything they are teaching is for that purpose. I believe that we can easily get lost in teaching to the test. There are also teachers who are simply teaching out of the textbook, making sure to hit the required standards, but not engaging their students. I am not saying that teaching to the standards is bad, just that there is so much more to expand on. They are teaching for convenience.

Looking at the other side, there are teachers who truly are doing what is best for their students. I work part time with a Kindergarten teacher, helping out the struggling students in her class. It is amazing to see the experiences that she gives these students. Her classroom is so busy (in a good way) with new, exciting activities every day. Technology can play a significant part in creating these experiences for our 21st century students. We have a Promethean board in our classroom and it is enlightening to see the students’ faces light up when they are called to come up to the board and interact with it. Although, there are so many technological resources out there for teachers that are not being used. Think about how much our kids these days crave the use of technology. Whether it is playing video games, posting on Facebook, texting on smart phones, playing music on iPods, etc., they associate these items with something fun. Therefore when we bring technology into the classroom and give our students the opportunity to use it in an educational setting, it is easily going to enhance their learning. Unfortunately technology is expensive and not everybody can afford it. However, there are inexpensive ways to get started and integrate some technology into your classroom.

So overall, it is up to teachers as to whether they teach for convenience or do what is best for their students. Teaching is a demanding job. As a first year teacher last year, I completely understand how easy it could be to do the bare minimum. It is not easy getting up at the crack of dawn to go in and prepare things for the day and then go home and have a mile high stack of papers to grade. The work is never-ending. The feeling you get, however, when you see the delight in your students’ eyes and see the light bulb go off, over and over again, makes it all worth it. Stop teaching for your convenience and give your students your best! They deserve it!