Digital Storytelling is a great way for students to share stories. There are many benefits to digital storytelling, which I shared in the video on my last post. This week I decided to think about how I could incorporate digital storytelling into my Kindergarten curriculum. I want to integrate it with what we are learning about in the next couple weeks. This week we are on Spring Break, so I am going to integrate it next week.
In Kindergarten we really push writing. Currently our students should be able to write a three sentence story focused on one topic. So I am going to start my digital storytelling project by having my class all write three sentences about a specific topic. Then, I am going to bring in my laptop, since it has a built-in microphone. I found a great digital storytelling program that is geared towards younger students. It is called Little Bird Tales, found at As I was babysitting today, I had two girls (a 7 yr old and 11 yr old) help me create an example for my class. See below.
I have not decided what the topic is going to be yet. When I return on Monday, I am going to find out from the teacher I work with what topics we are covering in Science and Social Studies and choose a topic that will integrate that curriculum. Using the program I have talked about, I will have each student record their voice telling me their three sentences and then they will each draw a picture to go with their story. I will put all these together to make one class story. I think my students will love this. They are going to have fun with it. I will be sure to post the final product.